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Shanghai ASM Metal Material Co., Ltd.

Company Profile
ASM's main bussiness activities are: reserch and development of advanced steel products, further manufacturing of steel products, trading and logistics, management consulting. ASM has a few of its own reserch institute and manufacturing facities.
ASM has been focusing on the reserch and development of high end coil steel wire, and made significantcontributions. Steel fiber is another important products which has been widely used in aero***ce, IT, metallugrgy, electricity, mine, auto and construction industries.
ASM has been co-operating with many reserch institutes, universities and experts to bring new technologies into our products.
ASM will continue to make contribution to the improvement of our lives through leading technology of steel materials.

Contact Us
Company: Shanghai ASM Metal Material Co., Ltd.
Contact: Ms. Fiona Chan
Address: 5 floor, 5th building, Xiangteng Guoji, No.388 Pangu rd
Tel: 021-66797678
Fax: 021-66797101

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Tel : 021-66797678 Fax : 021-66797101
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